Kumar an _ _ _ _ _ #ItsNotOver Post 3

The third post in my series dedicated to some of the most important people. Here's to Kumaran.
Laughter and children follow every clumsy tumble and jump of foolishness towards more technicality and niceness. Complexity and apple are key words. Apple.

Kumaran is one of those rare people you meet everywhere but never actually happen to be - this real, this stupid or this kind. I've known him only a couple of years but it seems like we've been really good friends forever and I know I'd make him help me out with anything no matter what and that I'd help him out all the time - simply because he's always been nice enough to help. To emphasise that Kumaran is helpful would be an understatement. He ALWAYS helps EVERYONE. 

We've shared classrooms and LUNCH very often (yes, I ate all of his lunch all the time), we've pulled pranks on people together but more on each other and we have a never-ending war of ugly pictures and selfies to publicly humiliate each other. (He may have the upper hand now, but just wait). 

To put it simply I've had a lot of fun with this guy (if his name cannot imply that he is a guy), he's always been un-charmingly hilarious and stupid and despite whatever my initial reactions I've enjoyed the stupid attention and laughter of his pranks (yes, people laughed at me because of him, you've got your man).

We've made a movie together, we've worked on art together, we've set up stalls and worked on school stuff together - in a word, we were classmates despite never actually being in the same class. And that's the kind of person Kumaran is, he's close to you and important despite having next to nothing in common - he's a friend (even if he listens to Yo Yo Honey Singh)

We may never be calling a truce over our internet wars, we may communicate only through twitter, we may also never see eye to eye on body odour and hygiene or agree upon mode of transport and Nokia's Lumia series, but we'll always be good friends and I'll eat all the awesome paratha's and sandwiches from his house no matter what.

Kumaran, your welcome and I'm still calling you every time I need gadget reviews and car reviews and stupid stuff you're good at cause #ItsNotOver XOXO

P.S. stop with the weird comments about my rear.


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