Marx was right!
The term "communism" is today seen as something bad, almost evil lurking (it is evil, but only to the students of sociology) to get at mankind as much as it can and this is done through the simple labelling of protagonists of Communism as terrorists. I do not wish to name anyone (for sake of my own safety, considering this country has started banning the citizen's right to speech) and in no way am I supporting any organisation, this is purely for my own pleasure of writing and expression. But what Karl Marx actually meant was a classless, absolutely free society based on equality. Far-fetched or whatever, to truly understand or even criticise Marx there must first exist some basic knowledge about his theories and writings.
Marx described capitalist (industrial) society as divided into two classes namely the bourgeoisie (the capital owning class) and the proletariat (the working class who sold their labour). To explain Marxist theories better, I will do it with the example of India and in no way am I to be quoted because, I am not against anyone, nor am I for anyone and honestly this is serious business which I am taking a humorous take (read dig) at. Also, my writing is not polished and in many ways flawed thus its not sensible to quote me.
Marx's theory was that the society was divided into two classes where, the bourgeoisie controlled the proletariat. Every aspect of the proletarians life was controlled by the bourgeoisie. Education, health, politics (also power), etcetera.
Now lets see how all of this stands true in India. One body that has all power - the government. Control over the media - check. Control over health facilities - check. Control over education - check. Control over the resources - check. All of everything in India is under the control of the state (now it includes freedom of speech) (your normal idea of a communist country).
Now you might argue, that the government is (supposedly) "of the people, by the people and for the people" (the infamous words of a strange man). How true does this stand? A government of the people, where only a certain group of people can ever get into the government? A government that is for the people but does not work to do so? A government by the people whose votes are cast based on the Television sets they receive? That is not communism that is outright capitalism hiding behind the mask of democracy (a created theory to keep the people believing).
I will explain each statement I made earlier.
To be continued...
Wait for continuation...
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