Feminist? Really?

Agreeing that women have finally got freedom in the modern world is wrong. First you must define what kind of freedom you have in mind. 

You might talk about absolute freedom, which  remains unachieved by even man - the male sex in the human species (which is said to be superior). Unachieved because of the binding force called society.

You might be talking about - freedom as much as that the male sex enjoys. Which is also not something the female sex has managed to get a hold of.

If women enjoy freedom, it is limited. Limited by that same binding force which dictates duties and thus it is not freedom. What freedom is one which binds rather than sets free? It is not.

You might argue that women do enjoy freedom, as much as men even and in today's world there exists no inequality of sex. But have you wondered why then does a woman have duties towards the household and men have choice of careers. Or the very idea that men can work (and in many places don't have to). So, if you can notice one thing here, men are not bound, they are excused and women on the other hand are bound beyond choice. Yet, men might face indignity in society if they don't work. Taking parts of phrases, men have egos (the apparent male ego) and women have duties.

From Oscar Wilde to contemporary plays everyone has defined and put forth the duties of women.
Schools do not permit girls to wear short clothing even today.

A lot of parents do not let their girls study or work and most girls do not work post marriage.

Women are not allowed in temples when their periods are going on.

Women get raped.

And I can go on. Now how many of the above apply to men? And if you start counting exceptions, bitch you are already beaten. A woman died because she got raped Did any man?

And while this might seem just another one of those anger-filled writings post the rape case in Delhi. It is more. It is to question your stance as a so called feminist. How can anything wrong be accepted? How can women have duties which they are bound by? Every woman, in fact human deserves to choose their own life and if that choice is made by duties of the society, it is a crime.

Role division based on gender is what fucks this world up. It is wrong, and I do not see how anyone can be assigned to some work or what they call duty because of their gender. Or how gender can decide what you do.

If you are truly a feminist, how can you stand someone reciting imposed duties on women? How can you accept one of your cousins being bound to the house?

Raise your voice against it.

A lot of these might apply to only India.


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