
Its not really related, its rather disturbing. the entire concept of people having to choose between their family and passion is interestingly horrid.

There are times when you feel sorry about others, who have to work just because they need to earn and you realize that its not what they really want to do...just something they are made to do, because of their compulsion and needs. It is not like your watchman really wants to guard your house, nor is it that the waiter who serves you wants to do what he is doing. The sad truth is, that is what life decided to do with them, circumstances. pitiable is it not?

Well, if only we took a closer look, its not always that such sad stories only belong to those watchmen  or those waiters, taking a closer look, it might be the same fate some of our dads met with. Have you ever wondered if your dad really wanted to start a shop? or be some rich businessman everyone approaches for help? Perhaps not. More often than not, I have heard my dad how he loved to cycle and he was crazy about it, he went from town to town on his cycle. To him, it was just a childhood fun experience and apart from a job, there was no real option for the future. He could have got the lucky start of being born richer than most other people, but he still falls in the line of people who did not do what they really wanted to do.

Now, getting to my point, every time a teenager starts crossing the divine line of 15, (s)he is asked what (s)he wants to do in life. Annoying as it gets after a while, most people come with the intention...and oh...practical knowledge of life to discourage your dream...and take up something more "right" or appropriate in their minds. Science would perhaps get the answer of "Oh it takes so long, and there is so much hard-work, think of something more short-term" and arts is rubbished right away as, does it work out in "our society" or there is not enough money, you need to think about your future more seriously, its not a joke. Management related subject would perhaps get, there are so many people involved but it is mostly approved.

What is more annoying than these people rambling away their theories is they actually think they are helping out and also that they start deciding what is best for you. Like you already have not given up your childhood to decide who you want to be?

The hardest part is narrowing down on one thing you want to do for the rest of your life, how can there be only one thing? and how can only that thing make you happy - as opposed to people who believe that only one thing in this world ought to make you happy and only one thing ought to fulfil your life.

Whatever it may be, teenagers have a hard time anyways. The overflowing hormones, the parental pressure, the issues with friends, the new-found dating habits, the temptation of starting drugs or cigarettes  and also the constant need to be rebellious. And after going through all of that, if they cannot get to do what they really want to do in life. It sucks.


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