future stay where you belong, bitch.

For most people it is easy to decide what they want to do in the future. And these are the people who turn up to be the horrid beings called adults. But like these people its not the same for everyone. Not everyone wants to grow up and do one thing (however monotonous) in life. I for one definitely want to stay a child.

Children are allowed to fantasize their future knowing its still far off, but adults live it. They are not allowed to dream or think they can do what they want and perhaps this comes strongest in the process of turning into the horrid being of an adult.

I might be messed up, but honestly being an adult is what grown-ups do and its not fun. And why is every child forced to face adulthood with its glaring bright headlights? Only so that the machine can make more and more monotonous adults.

Okay, enough with the adults-are-feelingless-beings. They are made out to be that way. They have feelings,  however complex, but all they ever do is suppress them. A child can cry when (s)he likes, an adult CAN not. A child can play or sleep when (s)he likes, adults have RESPONSIBILITIES. Ask them if they really want it unlikely they all agree to it. Instead, first ask how many of them are happy with their job. I doubt there will be more than a handful.

At the end, it sucks being an adult and every child is being forced to convert and if then they are not being given the simplest of choices, then their life sucks too, worse than an adults. Because conversion is hard and so is not being given choices or simple wishes being fulfilled, rather every wish being crushed.


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