
I am confused...my image of a self-proclaimed, full time narcissist has not been working out. My magazine sort of got fully approved, and might just be being printed in the best format. We have to find sponsors though to get it printed. My literature teacher thinks that we hate her, we don't, we just like to stay away from her, as in we like to hide from her. We have the same adjectives for some ideas though. Case in point "horrendous"^^^ (that is my literature teacher and I, not the oher random people who come to sit there).

But honestly horrendous is what mice are!!! Mice are the most horrid, gruesome tiny things that enter people's houses and minds. It horrendous! Mice can scare the world out of you, and also make you go higher than you ever went (in terms of pitch). Mice run around pretending to be scared, but they are evil, plague baring and honestly, horrendous! Notice the repetitions, because I mean it!!!!

Also, my mother loves repetition, she believes that at the end of any task, the table of 13 should be recited, and that everyday you should eat "paratha". That is sort of horrendous too. I have been doing my work, been playing and watching a lot of Hilary Duff movies too. That makes everything perfect I guess. Perfect combined with horrendous.


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