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Support art, invest in business

Such hypocrisy in the world, where art defines and dictates your politics and thought - yet we remain only supporters. I'd invite you to think of two brothers, one who remains uneducated but street-smart and has experience but dreams of starting a business and the other, educated and working as an in-demand artist. We may assume that both the brothers would have had the same opportunities and resources at their disposal. Which child would receive the 10 lakhs and which child would be denied further education? The question is rhetorical. The way we are designed as a society, we perhaps have never asked this question. Equality does not start in the household - perhaps, the uneducated child would have needed more money, and more support to establish himself, and we look at equity from that lens, but, invariably to make ends meet to support the business-minded child, the artist is suppressed and left to struggle. Where is the equity in that? Through civilisations, artists have been sup...

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