Updates on life.

If you do not know what I have been up to
There's a reason
If you do not know where I'm headed
There's a reason

Perhaps the reason lies in you
But I would like to think it lies within me
Seclusion does wonders
And socialising remains an unnecessary luxury

The reason isn't for you to know
Much like my life is not for you to devour
Think of me not as a reality star
Even if I worship Parish Hilton
Think of me not even as someone who cares
Whether you think of me or don't

I wish to hold my power within me
Which is why I choose how much you know
Which is why I seclude myself

But I will tell you this,
It feels safer to not tell you
It feels safer to remain in bubbles
It feels comfortable and protected

Because there is no reason that I should trust you
Or you should trust the tales I spin

In my own little seclusion
I am trying to find my own ways
Safer and comfortable

Such is the life of a writer
Such is the storyteller
And forever secluded
Untrusting and untrustable
Liars hiding a lot of pain
Or a lot of secrets
Either way
It depends on whether you believe me
To be a writer or a storyteller

Or whether you choose not to care
Because within my bubble
And within my walls,
I spin and create
And splash fantasy all across my little brain

The update then is that I am choosing to stay away.


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