Greatest Fear

It's always been being irrelevant - common; my greates fear has. Perhaps which is why I act so strange sometimes and which is why I love being weird. It's comforting.

To many people standing out is embarrassing but having done it for so long it's the only way I know how - which is when I'm being shoved into the regular. More and more friends know someone exactly like me. More and more people look just like me. I can't handled it.

I have cherished being different; fought to get comfortable with it, and now I cannot be called common or part of the crowd. I've struggled and worked so hard in enjoying this - it's not fair. It makes me want to be weirder, but alas, I'm already outdone. 

Should I just become regular and boring? But that's not me. I've never had any substitutes. How now?

Which would again mean that people accept me only cause they know someone similar and find me less weird. But fuck you, I'm still weird and crazy and proud of it.  


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