Sad maketh Happy

Urgh!!!! being upset is always a part of life...whether you like it or not. It's always there...just after that peak of glory, before those big moments that matter and in the background of every life, however colourful it is. The greyness and dullness of the world comes into the head and makes everything dark and unforgiving and in a sense bad. Those upsetting moments when you get frustrated at your mom for no reason and then feel guilty about it, those dark times when you feel that everyone out there is plotting to hurt you in some or the other way.

But is it not when you feel upset that you realize how wrong at times you can get, that you realize the feelings your mom has when you shout at her? When you are upset don't you feel grateful for that small glass of water your sibling gets you no matter how much they trouble you? or for that blanket that you find yourself covered in even after sleeping without one because you fell asleep crying? or the phone call from your best friend to invite you for a movie you refuse to go to?

Maybe being upset is something that makes you feel better afterwords, and you realise how wonderful the world is, because after the greyness the colour seems so beautiful to the soul. Don't you realise how lucky you are to get your happiness back and the world seems so much better a place.

Now let's imagine a person who is happy all his or her life, true the person maybe jolly and merry and good, but would he or she really value the joy? would they rather not just be unbothered about it, because after all it is always there, right?

But doesn't being sad add to the joy of new-found happiness? That makes the feeling so much more wonderful, it adds relief and beauty and memories to the joy.

After all, happiness and melancholy are two emotions and something like the two sides of a coin, each existing on the other. So fulfill your Teenage Dreams Tonight without worrying about those smalls ups and downs of emotion and life. Sad is Happy.


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