
So yesterday, a man came up to my door and tried barging in. My brother and I were alone, he knew my name and our old address, but he did not have any contact numbers or references. And he didn't have any reason to come into the house either. He just wanted to come in and I don't know what was going to happen.

The day before yesterday, the same man apparently went to my old house, looking for me - claiming that he had come with a parcel from some restaurant in Dadar and that my dad and I had called him. The watchman stopped him, but there was no way that we were entertaining this man.

The day he came outside my door was the day I got shit-scared. This drunk man, standing outside my door not giving any legitimate reasons and calling my name. I started taking a video of this man and then he fled, but not long enough. We called the police and this man was still standing outside my building hurling abuses at my window. Making the crudest gestures and making both, my brother and I extremely uncomfortable. I continued recording his behaviour and his BS.

After three phone calls to the police, they finally said they would be there in 15 minutes (they came an hour later) and asked us to somehow detain and hold onto this man, till they come. Luckily, a close member of our family managed to stall the man for nearly 30 minutes, but obviously not long enough for the police to come and catch him.

The scariest part was that this man knew where we ordered food from, where we live, where we used to live, what kind of people we invited home and lots of other details about our lives - including my name. This man was drunk and he knew these things, so imagine the kind of details he knew or had access to when he might be sober.

In many ways, it makes me afraid to open the door to my house anymore and it makes me question how much people around us know about us. It was honestly the kind of experience that makes you afraid for yourself and those around you.

I only wish that the police and will eventually be able to catch this man because my dad has a theory that these people enter your house in order to rob you and my mother believes they may have back up and people supporting them, who you are not aware of or have never seen. It makes you want to move and just pray for some safety.

I really don't know how to process this, so I'm just trying to write about it.


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