Hello from the other side

Adele's song haunts me, not only because of the flawless vocals or perfect notes, it haunts me because of what it means to me.

On one level, it reminds of the past that I used to have, and how the song applies to people I've known and how we've drifted apart. How even when we say "hello, from the other side" we don't hear it. Its a silence, a self-torturing stalking of what had been. Its not because of the universality of the lyrics, its personal - that the song means a lot more individually than to everyone in general. There's people I'd like to say hello to again, after so many years or months, but I don't. And in my head i might have long conversations or plan meaningful returns to the relationship, but its all on one side. The outside stays the same.

I guess I can't say that I tried.

The song haunts me because it reminds of my grandmother - she died this week and it still feels like it didn't happen. Like I wish we could still say hello. From the other side. I saw her body, and it haunts me. I don't mean to sound like someone who cannot accept death or someone who tries to sadden the world in my own sadness. Its my truth and these thoughts consume my being right now.

Here's saying hello to you, from across the computer screen. Because it means a lot to know that people survive, even when others pass away. It means a lot to know that there's someone to say hello to - even if some are on the other side.



  1. I do relate. You never know how much they constituted a part of you until the sinking emptiness of their absence takes the toll. Hello.:)


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