The Hope of Black. #ItsNotOver Post 1.

The first post in my series dedicated to some of the most important people in my life. Here's to Gundi

The Black pebbles that never judged, only observed - painfully sad yet beautiful things, surrounded by layers of prettiness and volumes of falling noir tresses. Words in a script as beautiful as the words itself - flowing and twirling, like an endless gushing river - her own hair. 

She is inspiring, and she's promised to be my cover model for my first book. Her writing is beautiful even more than the paintings she makes. Paintings of piercing eyes, almost judging, which is very unlike her. She never judges, not that I've known and not the petty, 'why would he wear that,' everyone is entitled to that. She's as accepting as an ocean taking in all the river water - "That is why her hair is so big!" 

We started ages ago, with boiling hate and dislike and hung out only cause of mutual friends in our class. I definitely didn't like her, she always seemed too smart and sassy and bossy; and you'd imagine a bullied child's complaints. But we'd be pretentious and stand each other cause we wanted to stay with the same people.

Then period happened and we were completely new people, with common subjects! And I had to try to break her intimidating persona - teacher's favourite, beautiful writing and handwriting and all that. She's always been better and more talented than me in so many many ways. Part of my quest for being the best at what I do - achieving greater heights and superior skills - is a lot because of her and her ever gloriously intimidating self. I've not only wanted to threaten her, but overpower her too (bullied child, right?) I'll explain further.

She's always been Hera (the Norse goddess) and she's had the similar physical presence as well. She's also like Mariah Carey - singing wise and look wise. Then everyone's always commented on how good her writing is. She's always been extremely pretty and she's read so much more than I have! 

Whatever may have been and despite the fact that she still continues to be superiorly talented than I, I do love her! She's made me realise so many things and above everything she's been a non-judgemental supportive friend.

We've had such beautiful memories, of laughter and pranks and class room chatter and shopping (OK, that one time) and ant and LITERATURE CLASSES. And the song FLY. And every fucking song we've written and sung together - yes, that is the truth!

We broke the ice over Rihanna and Lady Gaga's random lyrics (which make as much sense as O NaNa) and we've bonded over everything from then on. Most importantly she's taught me so much and has been so supportive and understanding. 

I love you Gundi. Thank you for everything. From patient listening and explaining to being as open minded as people get and also looking past my major hypocritical and 'bitch' moments. Thank you most of all for showing that's it wrong to judge without knowing the entire truth about someone. There's no one less messed up than anyone else and we're all in it together.

Its Not Over. Much Love. XOXO


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