Cuz. #ItsNotOver Post 2

So this post is about my cousin - Silly. Yes, the name's been changed. But she is silly (even in my phone).
The thing about Silly is. we've grown up together - almost like actual siblings, who don't live together - we've played and fought and hit each other and her mother's never legitimately yelled at me (there was always an eye-wink).

She's daddy's little girl and she's actually a very special person to everyone in the family. (But no, she still is the stupidest of us all) and the sincerest compliment I can give her is that she makes me nostalgic about myself.

I have these set of wooden blocks and I cannot emphasize enough how much we've played with them and how much I've thrown them at her or been bossy about things because I wanted the better pieces - and all the time she's been accommodating. She's given into all of my childhood tantrums - she's let me be bossy and evil to her despite of me never having anything to hold over her head - she's lived up to the stereotype of being a younger sister.

And yet she's messed up and rebellious and honestly, I think pretty awesome. Since, I've been the boss in this 'relationship' I've always held the better cards (yes, even literally) and always been the one giving the advice and making the rules and she's listened to me, and all of that has so often made a hypocrite but has also made me realise how wrong I am about so many things. This comes from the fact that she makes me nostalgic about my own life and the fact that I give her way too much advice. She's made me realise so many mistakes I've made and given men insights into my own pasts (at some complicated twisted level in my brain).

I've seen her grow and I've seen her become the person she is today and I can easily say she's a fine lass with a good set of morals and a twisted sense of attention seeking. She needs to stand up for herself and she needs to stop giving into peer pressure (but that's just me being all big brother and advice-column on her).

She's grown from 'd gal who wrte in txt lngug 2' the girl who never misses her spellings (nostalgia, and yes I admit I used to do it too) and she's gone from being a flat-nose to a pretty-young-thing. And yes she can look gorgeous, she's my sister of course she can.

Most of all I just want to thank her for trusting me enough and telling me all the things she ever told me and that I'm always going to be here for her no matter what and no matter how messed up it gets. No Judgements.

And between you and I, Silly - #ItsNeverOver. XOXO


  1. I love you....!!!:* thanks a ton brother..


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