Sorry, Not Sorry.

Another attempt at writing lyrics to a possibility. Feedback always helps!

*read in normal voice* (prelude)
My nose
My nose is too big.
Bigger than I can ever think about myself.

*song begins*
Those eyes aren't big enough
The chin's not sharp enough
The lips aren't red enough
Nothing about you's enough.

The world's had enough of pretty faces
Yours isn't one.
Even if we fixed you up with braces
Perfection is a pun.

What if all of these didn't matter?
Who's to decide?
You're just as pretty no matter
Let go of someone else's desire.

Sorry, I'm not ideal.
Sorry, I don't fit your deal.
Sorry, no one's perfect.
Cause perfection's a sorry state.
I'm not sorry for how I feel.

Why are you so fat?
Your wrist's bigger than that cat.
Why do you dress like a brat?
You're worse than an ugly rat.

The world can't decide you
Its your time to choose
Beliefs can make or break you
You don't have to lose

What if only you matter?
You're to decide?
You're just as pretty no matter
Let go of someone else's desire.

Sorry, I'm not ideal.
Sorry, I don't fit your deal.
Sorry, no one's perfect.
Cause perfection's a sorry state.
I'm not sorry for how I feel.

Your prettiness
its yours for a reason.
People are mean cause they're scared
Prejudices are in this season.
Perfections a sorry state.

Don't be sorry about yourself
Your looks can only be yours
Change has to be for your reasons
Not someone else's flaws.

Sorry, you got to be your ideal
Sorry, but you fit someone's deal
Sorry, you're perfect
Don't make it a sorry state.
Don't be sorry about yourself
Not sorry for how I feel

(perfect and)


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