"Angry Rants coming up." or "A flow of thoughts."

People lie. And people lie to protect themselves.

In a serious situation I don't lie. Because that's how I protect myself. With the truth. You may claim it to be a lie. But it is not. I stick to what I say. You should too.

Blurs happen. Very often. Unable to recollect is not your fault. Its good for you. Hanging on to sad memories only depresses you. Stick to your words. not memories.

Creating new memories is fun. Its like watching a new movie each day. Or travelling.

I dream about Paris. Watch movies about Paris. I have visited Paris once. Je veux vivre à Paris.

Beauty comes from within. Places are beautiful. And so is every human being, you need to see it. That's how you become beautiful.

Audrey Hepburn was the prettiest person. She had beauty within and without. And she liked laughing.

I love Audrey Hepburn movies. I would want to be like Audrey Hepburn. I would like to laugh.

And I would like to apologise. I may have stuck to my words. And perhaps still do. But they may have hurt. I am sorry. Just don't call it lies. Accept it - my apology and the truth.


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