Lady GaGa = Equality

A person like Lady GaGa, who is known the world over for her obsessively crazy attitude and fashion style is known for more. Her preaching equality and fighting towards a more equal and accepting society does not only relate to "homosexuality". It also means equality based on sex to a lot of people. Not something a lot of people can relate to. Agreed!
"Has anyone heard of inequality based on sex?"
"That was the 40's thing. Now its all about the Gays."
Even if it was an event during the 1940's of planet Earth, it happened then in your country and in some countries it still happens. Women were being oppressed and somewhere are still being oppressed. We all very well know that the "Right To Vote" for women was not only about Universal Suffrage but also about a sense of equality that it brought along. Lady GaGa might be shouting her lungs out for "homosexuals", but she fights for the equality and freedom for everyone and in the video above, people have understood her message. They have used GaGa's Bad Romance to send out a message, maybe to mock Lady GaGa but also to send out a message of the past which still holds true! The Video is a wonderful copy of GaGa's original Bad Romance, which also addresses the issue of women being sold of as slaves and being to perform dishonourable acts. In a version of the video, it has been shown how equal suffrage can be fought for through a song. Just like Universal Suffrage is not just about the Right to Vote, Lady GaGa is not just about equality for "homosexuals", but equality, freedom and acceptance for the self and everyone!

Here is Lady GaGa's Foundation The Born This Way Foundation that stands for Bravery and Acceptance for everyone.


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