Through the looking glass.

If this is how you show you care. I don't think you care. I think you're just removing your frustration on the wrong person. Which makes you a bully, a bully wearing the hide of the sheep. You want to talk about being the bigger person and being aware of your actions and surroundings. Are you? Are you really?

It's not that you're evil, you're just confused. Which makes me pity you. You're finding fault in everyone else because you're too afraid of the mirror. Perhaps, it is because you're jealous of me? Perhaps, it is because you're choosing to be unaware. Perhaps, it is because you simply hate me.

Honestly, make me care again. The longer this continues, the more we won't have anything to talk about. Not like we ever actually did. Not like either of us made attempts to. But the difference is I'm able to detach and cut the umbilical cord, you vent your frustrations (even if they are not about me) at me and you've reduced the communication window. 

Do I blame you? Maybe I shouldn't. But neither should you. It's always going to be a two-way street. And there's always going to be the cracked looking glass we'll have to cross.

Congratulations to you and your beloved gift-wrapped bundles of joy. Glad I can still see the umbilical cord. Maybe next time, wonder about what went wrong that you cut the other umbilical cord. 

Essentially, I need to stop worrying about your validation. Because you're never going to give it. You're never going to appreciate the world beyond the broken looking glass. You'll focus on what you see as cracks and what people have told you are cracks. And I'll be lost further and deeper in the maze of the Queen of Hearts.

Oh, and when you see me not being affected by your approval or disapproval - remember that your reaction will be your own doing.


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