What do we have to say?

As a generation we are privileged. We have the power of the internet, we have access to information, we have most comforts thanks to either our parents or the internet. we express ourselves in multiple ways, we abide by our own rules most often. We subscribe to ideas and beliefs that we have come to terms with (however, ingrained those might be) and reject or isolate ourselves from those that we do not agree with.

So where does it leave us? This privilege?
As a generation what do we want to say? Do we even want to say anything?

Often, I find myself at a loss for words because everything that has to be said, has already been said, and everything that was to be done is already underway. Who are we then? Constantly taking in what we surround ourselves with and not being able to give back.

I'm not trying to talk about the poor state of the world and how much further we have to go in terms of humanity - I'm talking about the minuscule feeling that lingers in our hearts because we are 'followers' in essence. Followers of the great generation of our grandparents and parents. Followers of social media and friends. Followers of humanity as an idea.

And in essence, this is what really really irks me, because we are unable to create or invent despite having the blessing and privilege of everything that has been given to us and thrust upon us. We may make scientific discoveries, we may find better conditions of life, we may even solve the problems of hunger and discrimination.

But we may be able to do any of those things because we as a generation are already privileged. Where is the struggle for anything at all? Where is the need to have a conversation when there are seventeen other people repeating the exact same thing?

Perhaps, this is entirely personal, perhaps, what I need is a check on my privilege, but as a larger picture, what do we have to say as a generation? Personal situations and differences aside. We are everywhere and we are doing everything, but what do we have to contribute that is in essence a need.

And what is that need? - for the world, for the survival of conversation, and of humanity - a communal species.

It makes me wonder, has humanity peaked? Is there any other way but downwards now, since there is such hyper integration and homogenisation?

Of course, this all sounds very spiritual and yearns for a cause of life, etc. but what I'm trying to get to is whether we can ever come to terms with just being or whether we yearn for something that we lack?

Maybe, I'll edit this later.


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