It's your mistake to be a beef-eating Muslim

When BJP activists say stuff like, it's your mistake that you're a Muslim and the government banned beef - and then go on to say this is the right direction of development.

India should really learn something from other countries like Egypt and Afghanistan who were on the brink of secularism but pulled out and ended up to be ruled by Extremists. Well, India won't learn anything and we've voted the Indian equivalent of the Al Qaeda in India. I make this claim because saying this is probably going to get me arrested and secretly beheaded. 

- Progress for the sake of progress? 
Just because roads are being built and government websites are being designed by newer technicians, does not mean India is progressing. What's happening to the freedom of choice in terms of drinking, eating and love? Maybe human rights and freedom are not the right direction 

- Animal Friendly or simply fanatics? 
"While the killing and consumption of "Beef" has been banned by Pro BJP governments- the sale of Animal products including leather made from cow hide etc is still legal. To make things more interesting - the BJP voted against the ban of sale of animal products." -quote from, Ahmed Naik, Quora 

- Freedom, "This is not the West" 
BJP has collaborated with some very openly extremist groups - the Hindutva movement is invariably linked to the BJP. In Maharashtra, opinions on facebook were targeted and criminalised. Any non-reproductive sexual activity is ban. And 'Hindu' God forbid, you have something to say directly targeting the BJP - not only do 'student' activists get agitated, they threaten violence. 

- The farce of democracy 
If the majority is all that matters to the government, why are reservations still being made, and increased? Why are Aryan Hindu ethnicities (who are not the majority) dictating the moral codes? Why can't a woman, choose to be a paid dancer if that supports her? And most importantly, why are economical relationships still favouring the rich and completely ruining the survival of the poor (read farmers). Where is Fair Trade? 

Perhaps, the BJP assumes moralism as more important than human choices, because we're living in a time where Snapchat can make you look like a drag queen, but your personal choices are forbidden. Perhaps the BJP deems other religions and habits of living as less important and irrelevant than a Prime Ministerial candidates social media. 

India is entering religious extremism and that's going to be exactly why it can not be a super power that it so desperately dreams of being. Tough Luck, but you made the wrong choice, India; or maybe capitalist development was more important to you than freedoms you enjoyed a few years ago. 

Intolerance all the way! 

This post may receive flak for not being well-informed, but given the amount of information that is controlled and the amount of information that an average student receives, this post stands its ground. And if any action is taken against me (Kalansh Gala, the sole writer of this post) it goes on to prove my point that intolerance is the form of governance India has chosen.


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