Change is required?!

I realised over time, how much effort it takes for the newer generation to read. We've surrounded ourselves with so much visual media and intake, that reading probably has become a task. Is it possibly because of our online ordering obsession coupled with our laziness to move (even eye muscles?).

The idea of a gym is very new to most places, people were healthier and lived healthy lifestyles, they went outside and did things, but off late, we need to sit at home, order our food, clothes and toiletries and then go to a gym just to be able to survive a body image obsessed romantic space, that probably isn't even the goal for most people.

Education needs to and will soon be video based rather than text based (completely) - you'll soon have the complete works of Plato as a movie or animation rather than texts. Which I assume he might appreciate, because written texts are a third removed from reality than perhaps an image of reality.

The kind of change that is happening is generic and obsessively consumerist. Work is no longer about making things, it is about garnering and holding attention (marketing strategies for everything including the birth of a child - read Kardashian). I know of engineers who are doing marketing and publicity, I know of artists doing nothing else, I know writers clicking away keys in order to gain attention (Now did I get your attention?)

People no longer live, they exist across computer spaces - and as outrageous and specific as all this might sound, it is a reality in most urban spaces.

Are we soon becoming the same people, having the same hairstyles, wearing the same online brands that fit all of us exactly and doing exactly the same kind of work? Are we hoping for our kids to be computer fed humans, with knowledge that is pre-determined and experiences that are invariably the same? Are we becoming one unchanging species - probably on the verge of extinction?

I know I caught your attention there. But what I mean to say is, if we're all the same or becoming the same, how are we to survive this planet and it's variety of experiences, isn't it possible that we may eventually become extinct because of our inability to cope with something outside of our online realities?

Suicide rates amongst teenagers and internet users have increased, just saying. More and more people have newer diseases such as ADHD (short attention spans) and bulimia (standardised body image obsession).

We already have a standardised clothing size, a standardised drinking age, a standardised form of government needed to exist on this planet. What are we as a species getting to?

Bionic human beings?


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