A little more effort

I was sitting in a taxi, just sitting at the back, thinking my own thoughts when all of a sudden a very familiar tune plays through the speakers in the car. The words aren't familiar, but the tune is, it's one of my favourite songs - and in the pleasantly warm dark evening, I feel nice listening to one of my favourite songs as the wind blows my hair onto my face.

Once the song has finished its time, I invariably find myself asking what the name of the song is (not that I remember) but I remember the alternate version, lyrics and tune of my favourite song. It's a happy space and then starts a fond conversation about songs and movies, a sort of a cultural exchange between a Kannada taxi driver and a spoilt boy from Mumbai, who has never held a conversation with a taxi driver (unless it's directions).

It's a polite conversation that made me realise how stinking uptight I used to be, and how little effort it takes to be nice and experience the same politeness. Wasn't it nice to be reminded of 'Jadoo' from Koi Mil Gaya or the great commercial directors of Bollywood or the exchange of opinions about commercial cinema and reality and that someone else could have a similar opinion as mine? Someone from an entirely different upbringing and space. It was an amazing feeling.

I've been seeing so many videos on how to be stronger and more violent. Sometimes even to protect yourself, sometimes to just prove your physical abilities and prowess, but what I've found missing and what I experienced tonight is a simple human bonding - of the brain.

We all have physical bonds so easily available off late, but deep down we keep looking for that bond of the brain and that simulation only a conversation or a combined experience can achieve. What I'm saying isn't about romance, I'm saying all human relationships need to undergo this process of mental connection in order to exist.

I've never held a conversation with a taxi driver, but today for the first time, it made me realise that what humans need and desperately seek is a little more effort. Neither I nor, the taxi driver fluently spoke the others' language, nor did we have to - we just tried to be polite. Perhaps it's time to listen to Oscar Wilde and put "Manners before morals" or just make a little more effort to talk, even if it's not your thing.

Talk, and make a slightly bigger effort, it's a pretty bad world as it is.


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