Passion and Dreams

Once you've found something that consumes you,
Give yourself in completely
Almost as if there was no other alternative
Because beauty lies in passion meaningfully

We never die
Until we die for something
We merely move onto something else
And just like beach sand there's nothing

Settle down for what?
Others' aspirations don't mean a life
Old friends may shy
But dreams and passion make a wife

Consuming and enthralling
Why do we still then waste
Time behind meaningless experiences?
Being rich spoils us into luxury
Luxury isn't the passion of the passionate
Even those obsessed with luxury
never stop searching for it

We as a generation appreciate and praise lethargy, we find it cool that someone sleeps long hours, unconsumed about their own mental drive and well-being. Perhaps, this is moralistic of me, but being moralistic and judgemental helps society stay murder-free and consensual to a point of hegemonic violence. It's okay to judge why we waste hours doing unproductive work never finding out what we might actually be capable of.

I do blame it on being rich, technology and our parents' money has spoilt us to a state of being as useless as a power-consuming fart. Perhaps if you do do something productive, you could live with yourself, but when do you know its enough?

I can't, I've become a power-consuming fart and that frightens me to . But I will change it, and so should you. Find a passion and find your work. That couch and TV show will remain there even when you've exhausted your work juices.

Happiness found in judging
People die with nothing
Hope remains for the dying
Beauty for the trying


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