
The warmth envelopes my tongue as if it were the most beautiful kiss
The happiness drains right into my system centring my mind

There are days when you're so hungry you want to die and eat
There are days when your mind leaves the brain
There are blue, sleepy, melancholy days of tiresome nothing

Red Hot Soup
Red Hot kinda Love

I've become a soup eater/drinker because it calms me, and makes me less hungry. I wish I had started earlier. A lot of my friends look forward to one single thing every week, and even though I question their focused energy and happiness, I realise my equation with soup is not much different.

Soup is almost like a reminder of what my health needs to become
Soup is like a gentle promise of leaving hunger and entering peace
Soup gives me hope again that I have more time.
My stomach yearns for soup like I do that feeling

I wish I wrote more.



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