Good Prostitutes

The general idea of negativity associated with the word prostitute is perhaps the second biggest problem of 'society and language' - after 'men and women are all men'. The word prostitute originates from Latin for 'publicly sold or exposed'. Society through time has shunned anything and everything it is ashamed of into the alleyways and the underground - and thus the public acceptance of sex went down the drain to the biggest taboo of all times.

There are many reasons why prostitution is perhaps the best and most practiced trade and needs to be accepted and further legalised.

Prevents Rape
This obvious truth is often overlooked in most societal references of prostitution. Prostitution helps desperate and sexually demanding men (all women and men are men) satisfy their urge and prevents these men from going on taking advantage of helpless women/men/children. Rape (which is more accepted than prostitution, and has legitimacy) is accepted to be one of the worst crimes, but the prevention of it is also a crime?

Is Everywhere...
The tricky idea of prostitution is that it has come to mean people who use sex to gain benefits - this could mean anyone from the whore sitting on the street trying to earn her daily bread to the housewife trying to get gold necklace from her husband to even the new teacher trying to get a job. Not to forget the reversal of the roles where the husband is trying please the wife to perhaps forgive him for drinking, or the new sports sir, trying to please the female principle or even the manservant trying to get a few extra bucks on his daily errands.
Like sex, prostitution is everywhere and is in more cases than one could think or imagine.

Accepts Sex and Sexuality
Prostitution unlike every other profession in the world (including Sexologists and Sex Seeking Perverts) accepts sex and every sexual activity in every form (porn starts, strippers included). Its the most accepting and enlightening idea of sex - it strips away all the glory and all the taboo and makes it to what it is - pleasure.

People Pay For Every Other Pleasure
Most people have paid for pleasure in their lives, not sexual but every other kind of pleasure, massages, sunbaths, saunas, soft cushions, soft blankets, footwear, shopping trips...So what's so bad about paying for bodily pleasure? Or using it in such a way that you get better somewhere else.

There are many other reasons that Prostitution is beneficial and helpful - it reduces unemployment, it gives the idea of legitimate jobs and working women, it is part of the 'service sector' industry and it has the possibility of changing the economics of the world!

Legalising it would also mean greater accessibility and human rights available to the 'trapped' prostitutes who could work as government employees with benefits (the army officials receive benefits no?). Plus it would open up discussions and ideas on sex and its acceptance and the true freedom of individuals.

Also, do forgive me for the constant (sexist) stereotypes - used only for explanatory purposes and are not supported or propagated.


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