Death Of The Devil

"I think I would like to burn"
her choiceful voice ignited the fire.
Back and forth as she cradled
Her agonised high of eventual numbness
led back to where she had began.

"Little as a girl I cried and screamed
When they took away my firecrackers
I wanted revenge and grew up
Till I saw them burn on the pyre
In happiness and in Death, I confused.

"I sang and danced, unaware
of the pain it caused, grave dare!
Blew away the approaching madness
And dwelled in intensely felt verse
Till it all ended in that meeting."

She raised her hand
In marks of love to show
He had held her, unable to grow
Her new found love for this numbness
Led back to where she stumbled.

"I let him hold my hand in public,
Where I could show them, where he belonged
I fought him off knowing he didn't.
It ended, in blissful hate of that fluid -
His thoughts and movements - that water.

"I cracked and grew angry
Of that unreturnable love I caressed
The blue jays and the blue fish
I ate merely for pleasure and hate
Till it all changed; nay strengthened in that meeting."

She yelled out, almost like a climax
Unaffected by the pleasing flames
Stronger, and more rational, that dame
Found happiness and pleasure of numbness
that led back to the meeting.

"I shot him in the dark
'Cause when he's looking I fall apart
Burned down his house and smiled.
In pleasure I had compiled
A torrent I do love; Appeased!

"I blew and howled in the madness
A creation of my own superior doomsday
The bloody red of my closing eyes
I reached out, my hands giving way
Falling into his lap for that meeting."

She came here and chose those words
And grew over my fortress with my love
She now stood unaffected and strong
And in complete control of that numbness
Which led to where now I end.


  1. "I shot him in the dark
    'Cause when he's looking I fall apart"



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