Formation (Combination | Addition | Non-Fixation)

The little boy stood away
From all the darkness and glory
His ideas were vast; but bony

Time decided to be its mentor
And yet it was all so terreptied (meaning 'tangled and hurtful')
The lost of the poetic touch.

Would that change anything?
Perhaps a new pair of glasses
Fear couldn't be outgrown
Yet the lack of insecurity, or the other way round.

Plenty to dislike - despite constant affirmation
Like Samantha Jones
Confusing - hot and sexy

But what was important?
Finding a goal or values?
And then again why would anything be better than the rest?
Wasn't it all the same at the end of it?

Ass. butch. Pretty Hurts.
But is he even pretty?
Little boy outgrown - maybe not.
But then again, its about feeling ancient or experienced.

Younger the better or wiser the merrier?
Sexy or intellectual?
Snob or Pretentious?
Perhaps a combination of all.
Perhaps still not decided. Time.


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