I feel devastated...

Ok...not really but yes, who wouldn't feel devastated when your favourite superstar is in a city, just an hour away and you can't do anything to even get a glimpse of her?.... Not that I didnt try...I did..really hard...but what could I do if there was an exam that i had to write... But isn't that how things always are? Because you know...that despite trying soo hard...there was one thing missing...and it was not in your control...things never are in anyone's control.

I feel so jealous of  all the people in Delhi whose city was graced by Mother Monster... Her very presence would have felt so warming...I could feel the excitement way up to the tip of my hair...just because Mother Monster was in my country... Delhi would have been jumping up and down...or atleast that's how it looks to me.

But no matter what...here is an oath that I shall meet my Dear Mother-of-sorts. Because she inspired me to love myself, be happy about the small things in life and she made me dream all the huge dreams that I have...et je l'aime beaucoup.

Lets celebrate this for Mother Monster....my first blog


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